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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Greyhawk - The Temple of Elemental Evil

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Game Name : Greyhawk - The Temple of Elemental Evil
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2004-06-03 15:15:35
Views : 32076

Prevent NPC hireling looting
Instead of clicking on the bodies, leave them where they fall. When you get a chance or have cleared the map, exit the map and re-enter. The bodies will be gone, but there will be piles of loot where they fell. The NPC will not loot the pile.
Walk over and pick everything up. Also, if your hireling has picked up something he/she cannot identify, when you are bartering select the NPC and drag the item to a different character's inventory. Normally when you try this, the NPC refuses to drop the item, but it works with unidentified items while in the barter menu.

1. You will need a hex editor like Hex Workshop.
2. Create a character.
3. List down the name and ability score you put in the character.

Note: you want the ability score pre-race modifier added or subtracted.
Note: the ability scores goes in this order STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA.
Note: for example you have assigned 10 11 12 13 14 15 to an elf, which has a modifier of +2 dexterity, -2 constitution, thus making the end result 10 13 10 13 14 15, but this is not what you want, just write down the original which is 10 11 12 13 14 15.

Note: the ability scores goes in this order STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA.

Note: here are the list for hexadecimal for the numbers:

1=01, 2=02, 3=03, 4=04, 5=05, 6=06, 7=07, 8=08, 9=09, 10=0a, 11=0b, 12=0c, 13=0d, 14=0e, 15=0f, 16=10, 17=11, 18=12, 45=2d

4. Now quit the game.

5. Open your ToEE subdirectory.

6. Open Modules subdirectory.

7. Open ToEE subdirectory (this is the one inside modules subdirectory).

8. Open Players subdirectory.(go open the Ironman subdirectory (inside the player subdirectory) if you put the character in Ironman mode)

9. You will see your character that you created in here.

10. Open the TOEEPC file with your hex editor (or TOEEIMAN file if in ironman

11. Use your hex editor to search for the hex value of

example: STR=10 DEX=11 CON=12 INT=13 WIS=14 CHA=15, you will ask the hex editor to search for a hex string of

12 Edit the 6 values to whatever number you wish (highest I have tried is 45).Note: Edit only the values that correspond to the current value of your ability score, not the 6 zeroes in between each number. (I have not tried to edit the

13. Load up the game and if you are successful the character that you have created in the character pool have modified ability scores.

Get all 18s in stats
Go to the point buy screen. Set the first stat to 18, then click and drag it to the right of the up and down arrows and release it. It should disappear if done correctly. Go back to the roll your stats screen and the top box should have an 18
in it. Repeat this for each box.

Cheat mode
Start the game with one of the following command line parameters to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Command line parameter

Remove fog -nofog
Map select -startmap
Disable sound -nosound
Display frame rate -fps
Unknown -mod
Unknown -scrollfps
Unknown -scrolldist
Unknown -dialogcheck
Unknown -defaultparty
Unknown -3dsound
Unknown -cleanproto
Unknown -dicetest
Unknown -mipmapping
Unknown -noantialiasing
Unknown -maxrefresh
Unknown -geometry
Unknown -window
Unknown -shadow_blobby
Unknown -shodow_map
Unknown -shadow_poly
Unknown -pathtimelimit
Unknown -pathlimit
Unknown -msmousez
Unknown -nonmsmousez
Unknown -norandom
Unknown -animdedug
Unknown -doublebuffer

Easy experience
Hire an NPC and simply kill him or her. This works well if you hire Otis, Elmo, Lareth, or any high level character. Once you have earned an Elemental Gem (easiest with Earth, Air, and Water), use it to summon a demon. Use a Rogue or Fighter to melee the demon with full attacks and kill it before the duration expires. When it dies, loot it to retrieve a free Elemental Gem for another character, at no risk, plus gain the experience for killing the creature.

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Greyhawk - The Temple of Elemental Evil Cheat Codes at Game Score
Greyhawk - The Temple of Elemental Evil Cheat Codes at Cheat Mad
Greyhawk - The Temple of Elemental Evil Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats
Greyhawk - The Temple of Elemental Evil Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch

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